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NoMachine for the Enterprise

Remote access solutions for your business

NoMachine Server Admin

For remote administration of your NoMachine server

Built into any product of the NoMachine Enterprise suite is the new Server Admin tool. It enables the complete remote management of any NoMachine host in your work environment with an easy to use graphical interface. You can get access to every server configuration detail, from the security settings to the performance, see the users that are connected, check the server statistics, start and stop a server according to your needs. Even the software updates and the updates of the subscription license can be handled from remote. The new Server Admin permits IT administrators and managers to centrally configure, monitor, track and update the entire NoMachine infrastructure.

Manage any NoMachine computer from remote

The integrated Server admin utility enables one-click remote administration for NoMachine administrators. Simply choose the target computer via the Machines panel from any NoMachine player and select 'Server admin' from the menu.

Log in as administrator

To get access to the server configuration you will need to login to the remote computer as a privileged user. In the login window enter the administrator's account and its password.

You are now in

You are now in and can check the server status. You can start, stop the server and modify all of that server’s configuration, including the security and the performance settings, without having to be physically present in front of the computer.

Check who's connected

You can check who is currently using the server, from where they connected, disconnect any user, check the active file transfers and the available devices. You can also get access to the complete server statistics, the full connection history, including connections that were for administrative purposes.

Manage the server security

Set how you want the server to be accessed, including whether by guest users and visitors, visitor users being a feature offered by the latest Cloud Server. You can also decide how the user will be accepted on your desktop and if this will require your explicit acceptance.

Navigate to any NoMachine node

Working with a Cloud Server you can navigate and get to any server in the hierarchy, get to any node in the Cloud Server's server tree. Navigation across the server is very simple. Double-click on a node to connect to it. Double-click on a Cloud Server to go down the hierarchy and see the nodes that are under it. And you can also administrate any of the server's node, if you need to.

Manage your Cloud Server tree

When administrating a Cloud Server you can manage all your server tree, add new nodes, edit the way each node connects to the Cloud Server and how the connection will work. You can also review and edit all the node's security settings, including whether to enable or disable the guest users and the visitors.