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ID: AR12L00828
Applies to: NoMachine Software
Added on: 2014-12-02
Last Update: 2024-02-27
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Using two-factor authentication on Linux with NoMachine

NoMachine supports two-factor authentication since version 4.3.

Authentication methods are usually grouped as: 

1° group: 'something the user knows', e.g. a password.

2° group 'something the user has', e.g. a token.

3° group 'something the user is', e.g. a biometric data like user's fingerprint.

A two-factor authentication is an authentication process made of two methods belonging to two different goups, for example a password + a token. Having two different passwords, instead, don't constitute a two-factor authentication.

NoMachine supports one method for the first group  ('something the user knows' ) :

- password autentication (with both NX and SSH protocols)

and some methods for the second group ('something the user has' ) :

- private key authentication (with both NX and SSH protocols)

- Kerberos ticket  (with SSH protocol and system login)

- Smart card authentication (with SSH protocol and system login)

Choosing one of the methods above excludes the others.

The NoMachine password authentication method can be used in conjuction with a method of the second group ('something the user has' ) provided by a third party program which can work with SSH/SSL based authentication. It will be up to such software to generate a code or a ticket to to be sent to the user via SMS or e-mail.

For example on Linux it's possible to use password authentication for NoMachine log-in and configure PAM to use both password and Google authenticator code or others.

Some examples tested in our labs  are below.

1. How to activate two-factor authentication with NoMachine on client side  
2. How to activate two-factor authentication when connecting by browser  
3. How to set-up third party software on the server to support authentication based on 'what the user has'  
     3.1. Example 1: use OATH Toolkit  
     3.2. Example 2: use Google Authenticator  
     3.3. Example 3: use RSA Authentication Manager  
     3.4. Example 4: configuring two-factor authentication to work with just one password prompt  
     3.5. Example 5: configuring NoMachine to use Duo  
     3.6. Example 6: How to use Okta MFA with NoMachine on Linux  


1. How to activate two-factor authentication with NoMachine on client side

NoMachine is ready for using two-factor authentication and doesn't require further configurations to be set. User just needs to select the proper protocol and authentication method from the NoMachine User Interface (GUI), for example SSH protocol + password.

2. How to activate two-factor authentication when connecting by browser

NoMachine is ready for using two-factor authentication and doesn't require further configurations to be set. Users just need to connect to the NoMachine server from a browser and provide their credentials when requested.

3. How to set-up third party software on the server to support authentication based on 'what the user has'


Providing information about how to set-up a third party software is beyond the scope of this article. Users should refer to the official documentation of the software they have choosen. Examples below, tested in our labs, are provided 'as is'.

Instructions to set up two-factor authentication on Linux usually require to configure PAM and SSHD (the SSH server).

Since NoMachine uses its own PAM configuration (/etc/pam.d/nx), it's necessary to modify such configuration to enable two-factor authentication. Restarting the NoMachine server is not required, changes will be effective when a new connection is created or a virtual desktop is reconnected.

Additionally, when users connect to NoMachine via the SSH protocol,  two-factor authentication needs to be enabled also in the /etc/pam.d/sshd configuration file. Restarting SSHD is required to make changes effective.

Before applying our examples, please consider that specific PAM/SSHD configurations may be requested by your Companies' policies. 

Additionally, depending on the Linux distributions, required settings may be different. We therefore recommend to refer also to the official documentation of your Linux distribution.


to set-up a third party authenticator on Linux

You need to have either root or sudo privileges on the machine where you want to configure the  two-factor authenticator.


3.1. Example 1: use OATH Toolkit

Instructions below have been tested on Ubuntu 12.04 and have to be executed from a terminal.

1. Ensure that time is set accurate on our server.

Install the Network Time Protocol daemon (ntpd) and run:

ntpd -q -g

2. Install the OATH Toolkit:

apt-get install -y libpam-dev
tar -xzf oath-toolkit-1.10.0.tar.gz
cd oath-toolkit-1.10.0
./configure && make && make install
ln -s /usr/local/lib/security/ /lib/security/
ln -s /usr/local/lib/liboath.* /lib/

3. Set-up SSH keys.

It's necessary to generate a random key and save it into a file readable only by root.

The following instructions assume you have 'sudo' installed and $SUDO_USER is your normal user name.

KEY=$(head -c 1024 /dev/urandom | openssl sha1)
echo "Your secret key is: $KEY"
echo "HOTP/T30/6 $SUDO_USER - $KEY" >> /etc/users.oath
chmod go-rw /etc/users.oath

Settings above are for a 6 digit time based OTP with a window of 30 seconds.

Copy this key in a safe place and/or immediately setup your token (eg. your phone) with this key.

4. Set-up SSHD.

Run the following command:

sed -i.bak -E -e 's/(ChallengeResponseAuthentication) no/ yes/'  /etc/ssh/sshd_config

5. Configure PAM.

open the /etc/pam.d/sshd file with text editor and find the following line:

@include common-auth

than change this line to have:

auth    required nullok_secure

and add the following to the end of file:

auth    required usersfile=/etc/users.oath

NOTE that:

i) The '@include common-auth' is necessary to provide users with the client GUI deserved to OTP password. If it's missing, users will be provided with the normal username-password-save password GUI.

ii) Order of directive is relevant because PAM configuration is in sequence. The '@include common-auth' must be placed before the 'auth required...' instruction.

6. Restart SSHD:

service ssh restart

7. Enable two-factor authentication for the NX protocol.

Open the /etc/pam.d/nx file with a text editor and add the following line at the end of the auth section:

auth    required usersfile=/etc/users.oath


3.2. Example 2: use Google Authenticator


All instructions have to be executed from a terminal.

1. Install the necessary software.

To install Google Authenticator on Debian/Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install libpam-google-authenticator

To install Google Authenticator on RHEL/CentOS:

sudo yum install google-authenticator

2. Configure Google Authenticator and synhronize it with your mobile phone

To start configuring the authenticator run in your command prompt:


You’ll then be prompted with several questions that will allow you to restrict use of the same temporary security token, increase the time window that tokens can be used for, and limit number of access attempts to hinder brute-force cracking attempts. If you are in doubt about what to choose, its suggested to answer 'yes' on all questions.

You will also have a secret key, a verification code and emergency scratch codes. Write them in a safe place, these codes will be used later.

3. Install Google Authenticator on your mobile phone.

Install Google Authenticator from the Google Play Store.

When you start this application, choose the  'Enter provided key'  option and write your secret key there.

4. Enable two-factor authentication for SSH protocol

4.1.  Edit the /etc/pam.d/sshd file

        On Ubuntu (tested on Ubuntu 14.04)
        Open the /etc/pam.d/sshd file with a text editor and add the following line at the end of the auth section:

        @include common-auth

        auth required

Note that:

i) The '@include common-auth' is necessary to provide users with the client GUI deserved to OTP password. If it's missing, users will be
provided with the normal username-password-save password GUI.

ii) Order of directive is relevant because PAM configuration is in sequence. The '@include common-auth' must be placed before the 'auth required...' instruction.

       On RHEL 7/CentOS 7
       Open the /etc/pam.d/sshd file with a text editor and add the following line at the bottom of the file:

       auth required

       On RHEL 6/CentOS 6
       Open the /etc/pam.d/sshd file with a text editor and delete (or comment out) line:

       auth       include      password-auth

       and add the following lines below (order is relevant!):

       auth        required
       auth        required nullok try_first_pass
       auth        required
       auth        requisite uid >= 500 quiet

4.2. Then open the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file and add the following line:

        ChallengeResponseAuthentication yes
        PasswordAuthentication no

4.3. Finally restart your SSHD.

on Ubuntu:
sudo service ssh restart

on Fedora:
sudo systemctl restart sshd

on RHEL/CentOS:
sudo service sshd restart

5. Enable two-factor authentication for NX protocol.

On Ubuntu and CentOS 7
Open the /etc/pam.d/nx file with a text editor and add the following line at the end of the auth section:

auth required

On CentOS 6
Open the /etc/pam.d/nx file with a text editor and delete and comment this line:

auth       include       su

Then add the following lines below at the end of the auth section:

auth        required
auth        sufficient
auth        required nullok try_first_pass
auth        required
auth        requisite uid >= 500 quiet


3.3. Example 3: use RSA Authentication Manager

1. Download RSA Authentication Agents for PAM:

Install RSA Authentication Manager. Version required is 6.1.2 or higher

2. Copy the sdconf.rec file from the RSA Authentication Manager to an accessible directory, such as /var/ace/.

3. Specify the Agent Host IP Address

3.1. Use a  text editor to create the sdopts.rec file in the path where the sdconf.rec file is saved.

3.2. Type:

where x.x.x.x is the IP address of the agent host

and save the file

4. Configure SSH

4.1. Edit the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file.

4.2. Set the UsePAM parameter to: yes.

4.3. Set the PasswordAuthentication parameter to: no.

This disables the OpenSSH password prompt so that the PAM agent is used instead. As a result, the user will be only prompted for the RSA SecurID passcode.

4.4. Set the UsePrivilegeSeparation parameter to: no.

4.5. Set the ChallengeResponseAuthentication parameter to: yes.

5. Install the PAM agent

5.1. Move to the PAM agent installer directory.

5.2. Untar the downloaded file by executing:

tar zxvf <filename.tar.gz>

For example:
tar zxvf PAM-Agent_v7.

5.3. Run the install script by executing:


For example:

5.4. Enter the prompts until you are prompted for the sdconf.rec directory:

If the path is correct, press ENTER.

Otherwise enter the correct path.

5.5. For each of the subsequent installation prompts, press ENTER to accept the default value or enter the appropriate value.

6. Add SecurID module to PAM config of sshd

6.1. Change to the /etc/pam.d directory.

6.2. Open the sshd file.

6.3. Comment lines beginning with "auth"

6.4. Add the line:
 auth required

7. Troubleshooting

To enable debug output for the PAM agent, edit the /etc/pam.d/sshd configuration file by adding a debug argument:
 auth required debug

3.4. Example 4: configuring two-factor authentication to work with just one password prompt

Let's assume that NoMachine server is installed on CentOS 7 and that a local system account exists for the user who will connect by NoMachine.

This example will use Google Authenticator.


1) Install:

- NoMachine server, for example the Workstation.

- pam-devel, make, gcc-c++, git

2) Clone the Google Authenticator repository:

cd /tmp && git clone


3) Build Google Authenticator

make install

NOTE: By default, Google Authenticator library installs to /usr/local/lib. You may wish to copy /usr/local/lib/security/ -> /usr/lib64/security/ /usr/local/lib/security/ -> /usr/lib64/security/

4) Setup the user's Google Authenticator

- sudo su to the user

- run:

and follow the prompts

- Edit the /etc/pam.d/nx file as follows (commented lines are the original configuration)

#auth include su
#account include su
#password include su
#session optional
#session include su
auth requisite /usr/local/lib/security/ forward_pass
auth required use_first_pass
account required
account include password-auth
session include password-auth


You should now be able to log in to NoMachine with username + password and the Google Authenticator token appended. If the user's password is "Secret1" and token is "123456" the nomachine password would now be "Secret1123456".


3.5. Example 5: configuring NoMachine to use Duo

Duo authentication is already configured to work correctly with system SSH, i.e. the user should be able to login by plain SSH (without NoMachine being involved) and Duo authentication.
In case, please consult the official Duo documentation at: and if it's needed to add also the YubiKey:

Once done, try to connect by NoMachine and SSH protocol: users should be able to authenticate with Duo out-of-the-box.

For connections by NX protocol, instead, it's necessary to edit the NoMachine's PAM configuration and specify the correct Duo auth library. Add it to the /etc/pam.d/nx file.
For example:
auth required /lib64/security/

Refer to the system SSH configuration file, /etc/pam.d/ssh to find the exact line to add.

IMPORTANT: NoMachine is able to work with Duo 2FA only when the 'password' authentication method is selected in the connection settings in the client UI.


3.6. Example 6: How to use Okta MFA with NoMachine on Linux

Please refer to: